How to Relieve DOMS After Exercise and Workout

There are two types of muscle soreness: Acute muscle soreness – muscle pain and stiffness appears immediately during and after exercise. Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS – pain and stiffness are felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after exercise. Since the pain and stiffness of acute muscle soreness goes away very quickly by itself, we will be focusing on DOMS for this topic. Keep reading to learn how to identify, understand, and relieve DOMS. Identifying the problem: Do you really have muscle soreness? Do you know the difference between muscle strain and muscle soreness? Having muscle soreness is considered normal during or after training. Muscle strain on the other hand, is something you should avoid at all times. Moreover, muscle strains can not only hinder athletes short-term training, they can cause pathological changes in your muscles and even affect your deep tissue cells. Difference between the two? “Muscle strain ...