Improve Workout Efficiency Like Pro Atheletes

Ever wondered what NBA hall of famer, Kobe Bryant and 23-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps do to increase workout efficiency and maintain their physical shape at the highest level? If you are an avid workout enthusiast like me, then you’ve probably gotten used to dealing with muscle soreness after a workout. Sure, such soreness is bearable and most of us have embraced it as a result of doing a hard workout. However, if you can help your body recover faster to get the same training results in less time, then you will have more time to enjoy a healthier life. Let’s take a look at what practices professional athletes use to improve workout efficiency. It’s very likely that you can adopt one or more of these methods to improve your own workout. 1. Massage Therapy In order to stay healthy as you age, your muscles and joints should stay as flexible as possible. Medical and fitness experts suggest that you should stretch and massage inflamed muscles for 10 minu...